Services are covered by most insurance benefits and Employee and Family assistance Programs. For more information, check with your employer.
- $170 per 55 minute session / Individual or Family Counselling
- Educational Assessment (Price: $1,100)
- This assessment consists of administrating the WISC-V, WPPSI-IV or WAIS-IV which measures intellectual or cognitive ability (Full scale IQ).
Additionally, this assessment consists of administrating the WIAT-III or Woodcock-Johnson IV which measures academic achievement.
- This assessment consists of administrating the WISC-V, WPPSI-IV or WAIS-IV which measures intellectual or cognitive ability (Full scale IQ).
- Educational Assessment + (Price: $1,400)
- This assessment includes the WISC-V, WPPSI-IV or WAIS-IV which determines the Full Scale IQ.
Additionally, this assessment includes the WIAT-III or Woodcock-Johnson IV which measures academic achievement as well as the BASC-III which is a comprehensive assessment of behaviour and emotions in children, adolescents, and college students.
- This assessment includes the WISC-V, WPPSI-IV or WAIS-IV which determines the Full Scale IQ.
- A Sliding Scale is available for families that do not have an insurance plan.
Direct Bill Insurance: